Godot 3.5
後方互換性あるので3.4からは upgrade して大丈夫
Navigation の改良
Physics interpolation in 3D
Better tweening with SceneTreeTween
4.0 の tween の改良がバックポートされた
Time singleton
Label3D and TextMesh
Access nodes by unique names
Godot 3.5 adds the concept of "scene unique names" for nodes to help with the common task of accessing specific nodes from scripts. Nodes with a scene unique name can be referenced easily within their scene using a new % name prefix, like so: get_node("%MyUniqueNode").
unique name 指定にしておけば壊れない
New flow containers
Asynchronous shader compilation + caching (ubershader)
OccluderShapePolygon (3D)
Android editor port and optimizations
Material Overlay